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What is a Virtual Assistant & Why Should You Have One

If you’re a small business owner or manager, not only is this post for you, but it could change your life. That might be a bit dramatic (ok, it is) but that doesn’t make it any less true. It seems suitable that to start, I cover something as simple as explaining what a Virtual Assistant is. While the term seems self explanatory to some, it covers a really broad range of virtual workers and some explaining couldn’t hurt. So, let’s talk about what a Virtual Assistant is and why having one might be just what you, your business, and maybe your employees need. The TL;DR is; the right VA will give you more ‘free’ time, help you to be more organized and will ultimately help your business to thrive. Yes, even now. But come on, this is a short blog post, keep reading.

Virtual Assistants offer a variety of services to businesses of all sizes, across all industries and can perform basic administrative tasks or focus on more specific aspects of your business. From data entry to website design, calendar management to record-keeping, and everything in between, you can find a VA so efficient that you’ll be living your best business-life in no time. And not only will a Virtual Assistant take these tasks off your plate, but they’ll excel at them. For a moment, can you imagine not having that long and always growing to-do list? I know, you’ve had it forever and sometimes you actually get a couple of things done, but it’s time to let go. There are people out there that actually like doing those things and guess what? They do them well and on time (show-offs). For example, does the thought of sitting down and organizing your customer contact lists dating back to the summer of 1997 not excite you? Does setting up automated emails or writing newsletter content take the wind out of your sails? Are you struggling to come up with engaging social media content while your biggest competitor is killing it? Well, I happen to LOVE all that stuff! Do you need someone to proofread important documents and go over policies with a fine tooth comb? I’m your girl! I’m just kidding, I hate that stuff. BUT there is absolutely a VA out there who lives for it. I can even help you find one! The beauty in having a Virtual Assistant is that you can choose between tasks that you dread and those you love. If something is a total time-sucker for you, pass it off and focus on the parts of your business that you love. For many, the right VA is often the last missing piece to a smoothly operating, successful business.

Aside from the expertise and efficiency, there are added benefits of not hiring a full time employee. For example, you won’t have to provide benefits such as paid vacations, sick time, and insurance. Another big plus is the Virtual aspect of their assistance. Since VA’s work remotely, providing office equipment and space isn’t your responsibility either. This scenario is ideal not only for small offices but also in the event of a global pandemic or other limitations in physical space. Virtual Assistants, just like businesses, come in many shapes, sizes, and capabilities. The key is in finding one to fit your needs at a price point that you feel comfortable with. And speaking of price, you might be surprised to find out that you actually are the type of business owner that can afford to add an assistant. Most Virtual Assistants offer several different price plans and options to make it completely doable and sensible for any business. If you still have your doubts I understand; the idea of having an ‘assistant’ of any kind can seem a bit extra. Why not take a look around my website? Imagine all the things you could do with your newfound freedom if I was your Virtual Assistant.


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