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Best Times to Post on Instagram

Taking time out of your busy day to take photos and write captions for your businesses Instagram account only to get an unimpressive amount of likes is a big bummer. Like, really big bummer. Especially when you see other businesses posting content that isn't half as clever as yours, getting more interaction. What if I told you that it may not be your content that's the issue? Honest. It may just be that nobody is seeing your posts. Turns out, there are wrong and right times to post on Instagram. Rather, there are 'peak' and 'non-peak times'. Knowing this, you can create content, set it for the best days and times and forget it.

The most ideal way to know the peak posting times and days for your small business is by measuring the timing of your posts and tracking their performance (likes,comments, and shares). As a small business owner, you likely don’t have time for that. Luckily, plenty of others have done the research and the data is available. Even luckier still, I’ve compiled it here for you!

Gaining Instagram followers is a whole different problem to tackle, which we will next week. It takes consistent and creative content that encourages engagement. But, even great content doesn’t get many views if it isn’t posted at the right time. Annoying, I know. To get started, use the chart times listed above to post your business content on Instagram. On average, the best time to post is between 10 AM and 3 PM. Obviously, the day of the week also plays a part. Generally, posting on Wednesday and Friday around 11 am gets the most engagement. Sundays are a pretty low day for interactions but if you really want to post, shoot for between 8 am and 2 pm. Or, use Sunday as the day that you post fun content unrelated to your industry.

If you’re doubtful and think that none of this makes any sense, maybe you think we’re overcomplicating things, I urge you to think about your own daily life and habits. Throughout the day there are plenty of times where you are not scrolling through instagram, aren’t there? During the week especially, people tend to have key times that they pick up their phones and browse. Whether it’s while eating lunch, unwinding on the couch after work, first thing in the morning or while walking the dog, there are definite times and places where people are paying more attention. This is information that you definitely want to use to your benefit.

Getting started with this can be overwhelming but don’t get discouraged, just keep at it. You’re already creating and posting content. All you need to do now is hold off and schedule it for peak times. If you have questions or could use help contact me at And, remember to subscribe to my blog - this week I’ll tackle how to schedule posts on different platforms.


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