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5 Ways Current Customers Can Strengthen Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategies are complicated, it's true. But, certain parts of your business are already there and just need to be put to use. Want to know one of the biggest, yet most underutilized keys to small business marketing strategie? Current customers. That's right - it's time to put them to work! Below is a list of 5 ways that you can strenghten your business and increase sales through your current customer database. While this is a brief overview of some of the most commonly overlooked and easily implemented techniques, there are many more to explore. Designing and executing the process can be time consuming if you haven't got the right experience but that should absolutely not stop you. Contact me today if you'd like help creating an effective loyalty program for your customers.

  1. Loyalty Programs - This is a tried and true method that encourages consistent purchases from current customers. Offering coupons and discounts to loyal, regular customers not only increases the likelihood that they'll return but creates a solid relationship based on love and trust. Er, I mean, based on rewards and great customer service. Tomato,tomato, right? One important thing to remember is that while there are plenty of options when it comes to executing a loyalty program, from the old fashion punch card to smart phone apps, your current customer base and target customer base need to be kept in mind when working out the logistics. For example, if you're primarily doing business with a younger crowd, an app is absolutely the way to go. But, if you're customers are the older, newspaper reading crowd, you'd be missing the mark there and wasting marketing dollars building an app. There are right and wrong ways to approach this matter, while not losing an ounce of the success.

  2. Reviews & Testimonials - Alright folks, it's 2021. If you haven't yet grasped how and why positive reviews and customer testimonials work for businesses large and small, you need to listen up! It doesn't matter if you don't use social media or if you don't take advice from friends. What matters is that the vast majority of your current and potential customers are online doing just that. And your competition is playing along. The bottom line is, people like to hear about their friends experiences with products and services that they're considering purchasing. Heck, they even like to hear about it from strangers online. These days, when folks are in the market for services or items, the first place they turn is online to start their research. Encourage your customers to share their stories and feedback about doing business with you. Once prospective customers hear about how you do business, they'll feel much more confident in choosing you. I urge you to google search your company and then search your biggest competitor. Are you happy with how you stand apart from one another in the reviews section?

  3. #SocialSharing - Create a fun hashtag for your business or a particular, popular product and encourage your customers to use it. This is a great way to increase engagement with your customers on facebook and instagram. And the big bonus is that not only will your customers friends and families see the photos but potential buyers and other customers with similar interests will, too. A little creativity is required to create a hashtag and design social posts and/or flyers promoting it and asking your customers to participate. But, once you get started you'll see how fun and easy it is. Not to mention, free!

  4. Introducing Additonal Products or Services - Selling additional services or products to your current customers is one natural and often the easiest way to increase sales. Think about it, they're already in your shop or on your website. They already like you and see the value in what you're selling. Now, it's as simple as asking if they've tried xyz or if they're 'interested in adding x to their order today'. If you're business has a physical location, a great way to implement this is through impulse purchase racks by the checkout or a cashier who is trained to make friendly suggestions. If you do business online through a website, a pop-up offer before the end of the transaction could be just what you need. Or, how about an email following the purchase that offers a coupon for a particular item on their next visit?

  5. Referrals - We already know people trust word of mouth and recommendations. Referral programs take that knowledge and not only simplify the process but make it 'official'. A good referral program offers your customers an incentive to tell their friends about your business and encourage them to purchase from you. Whether you offer customers a percentage off their next purchase or grant them credits or points towards a different reward is a great way to increase loyalty with your customers while earning new customers at the same time. What's better than that?

If this sounds overwhelming or you just don't have the time, energy or know-how to do anything impactful with this info, contact me! I'm happy to discuss your business struggles, plans, goals and how I can help you to be more effective! Email me at


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