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5 Social Media Post Ideas for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, if your business has social media accounts that are set up correctly, you're off to an okay-ish start. Unfortunately, that is not half the battle. Consistently creating and posting content that leads to site traffic and/or store visits and eventually sales is the important stuff. And, it can be tough sometimes. But, it doesn't always have to be. Your time and energy is valuable (and scarse), you're running a small business after all. Since you're reading this, I'll assume you're not running a marketing business. You're in luck, because I am! I've compiled a list of social media post ideas that are sure to engage customers. Let's call them social media prompts, designed to promote your business. And since I want to be helpful and make things easier for fellow small business owners, this list has five prompts. That's right, one for every (business) day of the week. Not only are these prompts super easy and not time consuming at all, but they're fun! Remember, the goal of social media is to be social. Your posts should encourage positive interactions between your brand and potential customers. Alright, let's do this!

  • Create a Poll - Instagrams poll feature is not only an effective way to engage with followers but it's also an easy way to do market research. Use it wisely and ask questions relevant to your business. Do you run a pizza place? Take a poll on pizza toppings or favorite nights to order out. Own a spa? Poll followers on how much time they spend on self care each week or the spa treatment they're most in need of. Sure, you can use these polls as fun content fillers to stay in front of your follwers. However, used correctly, this info can help you market to these followers and become part of a strategic plan. If you need help with that, contact me!

  • Go 'Live' - I know this can be scary but you know what's scarier? Being a small business owner. You know what's scarier still? Some of your competitors are absolutely killing it on social media. I bet they go live every now and then. Trust me, do it. It doesn't have to be anything major. For example, if you run a bakery, post a couple quick little snippets of some of your most popular items being prepared or talk about the specials of the day.

  • Spotlight on an Employee - If you have staff, get them involved. (If not, hey, the spotlight can be on you!) Post a fun and friendly pic along with a description about an employee. Gush about how amazing they are and the value they bring to your business. A social media post like this is sure to generate interactions from loyal customers and even your employees friends and family. Be sure the employee is willing of course.

  • Provide a Tip or Advice - Being informative and fun are highly effective ways to retain followers. Who's going to unfollow you if it means they'll miss out on your next words of wisdom? Share some small, useful tips relevant to your industry. If you own a hair salon, do a quick braiding tutorial or pro-tip on a particular style. Think about your most frequently asked questions and post a quick list of ''tips from an expert". Kind of like what I'm doing here *winky face*.

  • Create a Contest - Spark a little friendly competition among your followers with a contest. This can be anything from guessing the year of an old photo of your business to naming a new product at your shop. Get creative and think of fun, low-cost prizes, like gift cards and let the games begin!

What are you waiting for? Get engaging! You've got social media post prompts for the next 5 days. The only way I could make this easier is to do it for you, which by the way I can. If you're interested - contact me today!


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